People all over the world love to travel. This was largely put on hold due to the pandemic, but things have since opened back up and people are able to travel the world again. While some people love t
What Should I Pack to Help My Eyes While Traveling?
You may have made plans to set off and travel your country, or even a different one. Among the items that you may want to make sure are in your suitcase can be those that can help to improve or mainta
Running a Tourist Office? How technology can help you run your travel business
If you’re running a tourist office, then providing visitors with accurate and helpful information is key. Just a few short years ago, travelers seeking assistance from tourist offices would expect han
What is Stopping You From Becoming a Self-Employed Travel Writer?
If you’re considering self-employment as a travel writer, but have doubts, you probably have a reason for holding back. However, there are solutions, and there may be a way you can pursue your goal of
Peek Inside my Los Angeles Penthouse
Peek Inside my Los Angeles Penthouse It’s been a minute since I gave you a peak inside my digs. You may recall I was traveling the country in an Airstream trailer. Then I went fully nomadic and bounce
Must-Try Traditional Must-Eat Foods From Around the World
If you are an adventurous person, you view traveling as an opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture, with its unique customs and traditions. At the same time, the best way to learn about
Bring Home the Luxury from These Top Hotels
When luxury comes to mind, high-end hotels play into a lot of the imagery. Large baths, beautifully soft fabrics, views that take your breath away — all of these add sumptuous richness to the hotel e
Forty and Free: Norway (Travel Film)
These two are not your tour guides. Jessica Peterson and Marianela Pereyra are both forty, fearless, and single. They travel the world producing video content for big brands, but just couldn’t give a
Blissful Big Sur
I documented a solo trip to Big Sur last year, encountering gossamer fog that rolled over hairpin curves high above azure swells then at sunset transformed into pink cotton candy. My dream is to live
Travel Film: A Month by the Lake in My Airstream
Not wanting to settle down after returning from living in Guam, I traveled the US in my Airstream for two years. I spent a dreamy month at Lake Elsinore, California.