Five years ago blogging was a totally different ball game. There were fewer players and even fewer rules. Now there are millions of bloggers and readers have even shorter attention spans. The bar for bloggers is at its highest ever. This makes finding a niche absolutely essential. In fact, it’s the first step to starting a successful blog. I know, because I started a few unsuccessful blogs before I found my niche, quit my job, and started making more money blogging than I did working full-time.
Win a Trip to Australia! (I’m entered, are you?)
Tropical North Queensland is giving away a trip to Australia to film a travel documentary. Are you an aspiring travel TV host? Enter to win. Please LIKE and SHARE my entry to film Australia’s wildlife
2014 in Review: My Year of Travel
This was one of my busiest years for travel and that’s the way I like it! In 2014, I discovered some of my favorite new destinations, covered an international music festival, and wrote a cover story for one of the world’s largest travel publications (more on that coming soon). Not to mention the fact that I started Global Girl Travels!
How Much Do Travel Bloggers Get Paid?
Thousands of travel-loving pragmatists are sitting at their desks right now wondering how to quit their jobs and become professional travel bloggers. It’s possibly the millennium’s most romantic job — and the most misunderstood. I know because I’m a travel blogger.
Warm & Chic Winter Coats
I so rarely get to wear coats — or any warm clothes — living on a tropical island set at a perpetual 86 degrees. I’m not complaining. I turn into a 90-year-old scoliosis nightmare in cold weather, but secretly I kinda miss it. I miss winter wardrobes and dusty snow covered houses. I miss snow days and watching movies and drinking hot chocolate.
9 Movies That Inspire Travel
It’s no secret that I’m a film buff. In fact, watching foreign films had a lot to do with my desire to travel. I cannot get enough of travel films, documentaries, and shows. The movie picks below are
A Day at the Bronx Zoo, New York City
For years, I didn’t visit zoos. I was so upset at the deplorable conditions at the Dallas Zoo (among others), that I just stopped going. When the Hubs and I were first dating, he organized a date at the Bronx Zoo and because I was smitten, I agreed to go. We actually fell in love that day, somewhere between the giraffes, the bamboo, and tram. Perhaps it was the romance, or maybe it’s just because the Bronx Zoo seems to have humane enclosures, I decided to visit zoos again. The Bronx Zoo is one of my favorites (up there with the Singapore Zoo). A few Aprils ago, we went back to the Bronx Zoo and took these photos.
Black Friday & Cyber Monday Travel Sales
The great thing about shopping for travel? Not getting trampled by a soccer mom at Walmart! Now’s a good time to sign up for emails from travel vendors (airlines, hotels, tour companies, etc.) and follow them on social media.
7 Ways To Take Better Travel Photos with Your DSLR Camera
Last month, you learned 13 Easy Ways to Take Better Photos with Your Phone. The tips below apply to shooting with a DSLR. I started as a frustrated novice photographer just a few years ago. Here, I br