I’ll be honest. I get envious of full-time travelers. You know the nomads with the NatGeo-worthy Instagrams and the seemingly inexhaustible supply of cash? The ones who seem to have no problem taking
Behind the Scenes of My Documentary Film
Now that you’ve seen the trailer for my film, “American Soil, Chamorro Soul,” I want to give you a behind-the-scenes tour of the production. Despite the fact that as a producer and director, I’m doing
Watch the New Trailer for “American Soil, Chamorro Soul”
Watch on Vimeo #ChamorroFilm I’ve spent the last six months writing, fundraising, casting, hiring, shooting, editing, and promoting “American Soil, Chamorro Soul.” It’s been one of the biggest learnin
Weekly Inspiration: Sufjan, Nomadism, Creative Types & Jealousy
I’m starting a new department here on Global Girl Travels — a round-up of stuff on the Interwebs that inspires me. Perhaps it will inspire you too. From cool travel blogs to Mindy Kaling quotes, ther
How Creativity Helped Me Lose 25 Pounds in 100 Days, Part 2
As I revealed in part 1 of my weight loss story, the process of working on my first film has been a blessing when it comes to the scale. I wrote that first post with some hesitancy just for the fact t
20 Photos of Guam That Will Make You Pack Your Bags & Go
You may have read on The Guam Guide (my other travel website) that airfare to Guam plunged to $744 round-trip. Just to put that in perspective, I’ve never seen it below $1,100 and the fare averages $1
Dusk at Gun Beach, Guam
God, I love my island. Some people might take issue with the possessive “my island” but not only have I made Guam my home for the last six years, I’ve invested in the community through my secular work
7 Places I Want to Visit Before I Die (VIDEO)
It’s no secret that I love travel films. Short, long, blockbuster, indie — a good travel film can inspire a trip. Here are some of the films inspiring me lately. Zhangjiajie National Forest, China Lo
How Creativity Helped Me Lose 25 Pounds in 100 Days, Part 1
I’m not going to bury the lede here (I have a serious problem with burying the lede. I get all stream-of-conscience like I’m Felicity talking into her tape recorder about Noel or Ben… Ahem, but I di
Behind the Scenes of My Guam Film with Brandon Li
Back in March, I gave you a sneak peak at the Guam film I worked on with Brandon Li. We’ve just launched the film as the trailer to a documentary I am producing for The Guam Culture Guide. Take a look