Almost a year ago, the Hubs and I decided to sell everything (again) and move abroad — this time back to Mainland U.S.A. We had been living on Guam for nearly seven years. After two successful roadtr
My Winter Travel Style & Glamping in Joshua Tree National Park
Before I started travel blogging, I moonlighted as a style blogger. I love fashion; always have since I hosted dress-up competitions with my friends in the backyard. Now that I’m completely nomadic an
Watch My Most Epic Landscape Video Yet
I made this video months ago for National Geographic’s Assignment Explorer contest. Sadly, I was not a finalist, but I’m sharing the video because it contains previously unreleased footage from some o
American Masterpiece: Visiting the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Can’t visit Europe but want to feel like you’re there? Head to D.C.
The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. is an opulent alternative to Europe for architecture buffs, literati, and photographers.
The 5 Coolest Neighborhoods in Cincinnati
22 Beautiful Photos of Charming Charleston, South Carolina
It’s easy to lump the southern states together into one big antebellum throwback. Honestly, I did that and I was wrong. Charleston, South Carolina is beyond charming to look at… and from what I witn
Touring the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C.
I was pretty excited about visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. ever since I heard about its opening in the summer of 2016. I’ve always been interes
Tips For Planning Your Turkish Vacation This Summer
Turkey is a huge and diverse country with so many interesting places to visit that planning a holiday here can seem a little overwhelming. Save yourself some stress with these tips to whether you’re v
Watch my travel film: Bali Aria
Ignoring any stereotypes fixed on it by Westerners, Bali maintains its enigmatic culture in all aspects of life. Its lively and friendly disposition serves as a stark contrast to the daily dread of pu
Inside My Airstream Trailer Remodel
A few months ago, I showed you my beautiful, remodeled Airstream Excella, but what did it look like before? Before the Airstream Remodel What We Remodeled in the Airstream It was in good shape for a 3